Friday, October 30, 2009

One of the things I find as sad in relation to the book mentioned below is a picture in the preview web site noted.  It is the one of a man and a woman - both topless - taking pictures of each other.  Behind them walk the citizens of New York City.  What is sad is the mother of a teenage or at least almost teenage boy covering his eyes as they walk past.  What kind of issues is that boy going to grow up with if a woman's breasts are forbidden for him to see.  Where do you think he will get his looks?  That's right - pornography.  Why, Oh Why can't people see what forbidding something so natural as the body is doing to our country.  It is a known fact that in countries where casual non-sexual nudity is not such a forbidden thing, teenage pregnancy is lower and even pornography addiction is not as rampant.
  Please dear God I ask that you cleanse the hearts and minds of those who need to see that non-sexual nudity is pure and good and wholesome for everyone in the family, Amen.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am encouraged by the work of a New York photographer by the name of Jordan Matter.  He spent a period of six years photographing over 100 women bare breasted in public scattered around New
York City.  You have to realize that it is legal for a woman to be topless anywhere a man can be, but few women take advantage of that right.  Jordan's book "Uncovered" details this project.  You can see more of it and have an opportunity to purchase the book at
It is my hope that other states will break the bonds of Victorian prudishness and follow New York's lead in this.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I decided I should set this blog as an adult site.  Not because there is anything that will ever need to be limited to adults, but because I am talking about nudity.  I will probably have references to art that shows the body in all its beauty.  There will also possibly be references to body parts that some people are reluctant to discuss in 'polite society'.
  I am sorry if I offend anyone in any way, but if you are offended by anything I have to say here, then this blog is especially for you.
I call myself a nudist. Maybe I am, maybe I am not. I am sitting here writing this with nothing on but a pair of shoes and socks, my wedding ring and my glasses. I am not aroused. I am not perverted. What I am is - comfortable.
No elastic binding my waist. No belts compressing my middle. No shirt holding in the heat that makes me sweat or chafes under my arms. No underwear bunching up around those parts of me that don't like anything being bunched up around.
You might ask why I am like this and that is what I would tell you. I do not see the human body as a sexual piece of meat that my lust desires to conquer. I see the body as the person who inhabits it. It is the same parts and pieces as any other body on this entire planet. Not exactly the same size, shape or color as anyone elses, but still the same. Every man has the same parts - unless altered by trauma or surgery or defect. Every woman has the same parts - unless similar circumstances have altered them. But nevertheless, we are the same.
We look at ourselves in the mirror naked. We wash our bodies when we bathe - naked. We make love to our wives or husbands - at least partly naked. We have seen ourselves and other naked in many situations. So why is it such a horrible thing when we see someone naked other than ourselves or our spouse? It boggles my mind and bothers me at the same time.
The saddest thing is that we pass these feelings on to our children just by our actions and words. We are raising a new generation of people that will be in fear of the human body and will perpetuate unknown acts of outrage against something that we all have and should respect.
More later...
This is my blog on all things nudist - especially as it relates to me and living as clothes free as I can in Kansas.